MEGA Minis


Why MEGA Minis?

Looking for an "easy to handle" Medical Inflatable Exhibit? We're introducing our latest products: the MEGA Minis, our scaled-down version of our larger exhibits. The MEGA Minis collection features the same information that you see on the outside of our traditional exhibits. Standing at 6' tall and 10' wide, these portable (under 45 lbs) exhibits don't have the same space requirements as our original exhibits, and they can fit in the trunk of most sedans or SUVs. 

Approx. 10' diameter x  6' tall and 45 lbs.

Discover How Your Organs Work with a MEGA Mini

In addition to the MEGA Mini Brain, we make smaller versions of all of our exhibits - The MEGA Heartcolon, and lungs.

Approx. 10' long x 8' wide x 6' high and 35 lbs.

6' tall features COVID, lung cancer, pneumonia, alveoli, bronchitis

Is the MEGA Mini inflatable exhibit right for my event?

It's perfect for your health or wellness-related event held in a place where you don't have tons of space. The MEGA Mini offers an innovative platform for advertising and publicizing your products, services, or organizations. It's a great way to attract guests to your booth at a medical or pharmaceutical trade show, grab visitors' attention at a healthcare event, or even bring a "wow" factor to your fundraising event. Our MEGA Mini Exhibits add fun interaction for any audience.

The MEGA Mini is a great educational medical exhibit for:

  • Cancer awareness
  • Schools
  • Health fairs
  • Children's museums
  • Company health and wellness events
  • Fitness expos
  • Hospital promotions
  • Fun runs and marathons
  • Substance Abuse education events

The Exhibit comes with the following standard features:

  • Illnesses depicted in 3D as well as Graphic digital art inside and out
  • Latest medical treatments and disease prevention
  • LED Lighting to help internal light the display


If you're interested in bringing the MEGA Mini to your next event, contact one of our inflatable exhibit sales representatives. Also, be sure to check out the MEGA Heart®, MEGA Brain®, MEGA Body®, MEGA Breasts and MEGA COVID-19 to find out about our other interactive health exhibits.

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